Xerox Exotique #014: SEC_ Gregoretti duo – Dan Bay – 08.06.2017

SEC_ Gregoretti duo is an explosion of physicality and energy, but based on the most sophisticated electro-acoustic research on feedbacks and tape manipulation.

They have respectively very recently released a solo album:

SEC_ – Mefite

Francesco Gregoretti – Solid Layers, Deafening Shapes

SEC_ is a musician involved in electro-acoustic music and noise. Improviser and composer, he tries to drive the musique concrète in a new dimension, open to the darkest power electronics as well as to the research on feedback devices. His main instrument is the reel-to-reel recorder Revox, that he uses to warp different sound materials, creating unpredictable and grotesque joints, full of cuts, blasts and deep sounds.
He runs active collaborations with Jerome Noetinger, Olivier Di Placido, Dave Phillips, Dario Sanfilippo, Ken Vandermark, Andrzej Zaleski, Andy Guhl, Jean Philippe Gross, Francisco Meirino, Evil Moisture, Scott Sinclair…

Francesco Gregoretti is a drummer/ percussionist focused on sound-oriented improvisation. He uses various combinations of drums, objects and amplification systems to create his personal sound world made of nervous and unpredictable rhythms, drones, noises…
He plays in One Starving Day and Architeuthis Rex and he is the founding member of the improv-avant-rock project Grizzly Imploded and its various declinations (Strongly Imploded / Oddly Imploded) as well as MANY OTHERS w/Olivier Di Placido and Cyanobacteria [from the arabian gulf] w/Ron Grieco.

Dan Bay ist Musiker, Produzent und DJ aus Frankfurt am Main. Seine Musik ist inspiriert von unterschiedlichen Genres, Kulturen, aber auch Alltagsklängen, die er auf seinen Reisen durch die Welt und in den großen und kleinen Winkeln der Frankfurter Straßen findet. Diese verpackt er in elektronischen Klanggewändern, die mal fröhlich, mal melancholisch angehaucht zu inspirierenden  Klangteppichen werden. Dan Bay tritt als Solomünster, mit seinen Bands „Dan Bay & Maya“, „Sound Pool“ und bei Radio X jeden zweiten Montag eines Monats in der Sendung X-Fade mit Krystyna auf. Außerdem veranstaltet er immer wieder größere Partys und ist damit mittlerweile fester Bestandteil der Frankfurter Subkultur.

08.06.2017, doors open at 20:00, starts at 20:30
Admission 7€
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main


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