Xerox Exotique #068: Ryosuke Kiyasu – Emilio Bernè – 03.08.22

Ryosuke Kiyasu has been performing as a snare drummer toured 55 countries since 2003. He is the drummer of his own leader band SETE STAR SEPT, Kiyasu Orchestra. Since 2012, he has been working as a drummer for Keiji Haino’s “Fushitsusha“. More than 200 works (including related works) have been released from various labels around the world.…

Emilio Bernè, listener and drummer based in Italy, his approach is oriented on the idea of simulated noise through the use of amplified strings and objects on the acoustic drum set combined with no-input mixer. He has performed in Europe and USA playing with several artists, he took part of the italian tour with the canadian artist Jean-Francois Laporte in March 2016, he has performed in duo with the french saxophonist Bertrand Gauguet. Since 2017 he has been carrying out his solo project NOIOSE and the duo OZON ZOON with french artist Colin Petit. He has played in festivals: Fragment (Metz), Hangar (Barcelona), Le 102 (Grenoble,) Mozg Festival (Bydgoszcz), Diametrale Film Festival (Innsbruck), Garso Festivalis (Klaipeda), WIM (Zurich), Tempo Reale (Firenze), NNOI Festival (Berlino)

03.08.2022, Einlass ab 20:00, beginnt ca. 20:30
Eintritt 8 Euro
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Der Eingang ist auf der rechten Seite des Gebäudes, dann die Treppen bis zum obersten Stock laufen.


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