Xerox Exotique #078: Abstract Household Warfare – Xpldnglke – 04.05.23

Abstract Household Warfare is a collaboration between three prolific Hungarian sound artists. On one side of the table, the noise warlock Rovar17 and Xpldnglke (aka the rhythmic hermit of Rákoshegy) are not only punishing each other, but also the drums (or samplers) thanks to ZxBxFx.
The soundscapes initially created by electronic duo glide somewhere between catatonic phantom noises and pulsating rhythms on the thin ice of sound samples contaminated with fragments of pain, now facing a new challenge in threes, they rearrange the apocalyptic sequences. It’s nothing but a never-ending struggle, an eternal battle for control of the mixer on the first morning after the lobotomy.

Xpldnglke is the moniker of the half of the experimental electronic duo L*mbik. He plays weird loops through effect pedals and makes noise with a handful of electronic parts.

04.05.2023, Einlass ab 20:00, beginnt ca. 20:30
Eintritt 8 Euro
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Der Eingang ist auf der rechten Seite des Gebäudes, dann die Treppen bis zum obersten Stock laufen.

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