Xerox Exotique #079: Teresa Riemann – Felix-Florian Tödtloff – 16.05.23

Teresa Riemann – Solo drum madness, intriguing vocals & effects: Teresa Riemann is a multiinstrumentalist that started to learn the piano when she was 6 years old. She abandoned classical education at age 16 and started to explore different instruments on her own: guitar, cello and – since 2012 – the drums. Since then she has developed her very unique style of convulsive percussion meanwhile being fully conscious about every tone she plays and the precise moment it is going to break into being. She accompanies her drumming with the eclectic use of her fragmented voice, spontaneously reciting frazzles of the living memory of humankind.
Apart from her solo projects on drums and piano, she plays in the groups Inutile Témoin and Naked in the Zoo.

Der Berliner Experimentalmusiker Felix-Florian Tödtloff (ehemals Sferics) arrangiert elektrische Gitarre und Synthesizer zu Klangcollagen zwischen Minimal und Melancholie.
Er spielt in den Duo-Projekten Magazine Magazine & The Old Dream of Symmetry und ist Gründer der Improvisations-Rockband Swoosh.

16.05.2023, Einlass ab 20:00, beginnt ca. 20:30
Eintritt 8 Euro
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Der Eingang ist auf der rechten Seite des Gebäudes, dann die Treppen bis zum obersten Stock laufen.

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