Xerox Pandemique
Situation Assessment April 2020
The only thing that is currently sure as far as we are concerned: there will definitely be no regular XE concerts until the end of June. The last concert planned for the first half of the year has now also been cancelled. Again, we hope to catch up on it with DŌMU and Telepapi at some later point.
As for what happens in the second half of the year: we don’t know & will decide depending on how this whole story unfolds.
Stay healthy!
Corona Crisis & Xerox Exotique
After long and careful deliberation and studying of the facts we have come to the conclusion that we will cancel all Xerox Exotique concerts in March and April because of the current Corona crisis. This was no easy decision – it is the first time in more than 10 years that we have cancelled events from our side.
We consider this as our responsibility towards the artists, the audience and society as a whole & we also want to set a sign that the time to act is now to avoid a bigger disaster.
We recommend this article, as it has highly influenced our opinion on the whole situation:…/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-d… (also available in German and other languages, links at the bottom of the page)
Take care and stay healthy.
Xerox Collabique #010: Ein Glas Wein mit Wein Glas – 29.02.2020
Xerox Exotique & Jacques’ Weindepot (Sulzbach/ Taunus) präsentieren:
Der Musiker (und Youtuber) Wein Glas hat nicht nur ein Faible für gute Weine, sondern auch für außergewöhnliche elektronische und elektro-akustische Musikinstrumente. Was liegt da näher, als beide Interessen miteinander zu verbinden. Im Wechsel werden verschiedene Weine in Blindverkostung vorgestellt und Wein Glas wird uns eine Auswahl seiner Instrumente vorführen und erklären.
Wein Glas präsentiert an diesem Abend seltene Instrumente der Manufakturen Ciat Lonbarde, Folktek, Haken Audio und Soma. Neben ungewöhnlichem Klangcharakter und einer ebensolchen Optik eint diese zum Teil handgemachten elektronischen oder elektroakustischen Instrumente der Verzicht auf eine Klaviertastatur zum Spielen der Töne und Klänge.
Auf diese Weise entstehen unerhörte Klangwelten, die zur Vertonung von Science Fiction-, Abenteuer- und Horrorfilmen gleichermaßen geeignet wären. „Neudeutsch“ könnte man das Gehörte auch als „Dark Ambient“ bezeichnen.
Ein ungewöhnlicher Tag, den es nur alle vier Jahre gibt – und dieses Jahr mit besondere Klängen und interessanten Geschmackserlebnissen.
29.02.2020, 20:00
Eintritt 7€
Jacques’ Wein-Depot, Platz an der Linde 2, 65843 Sulzbach-Zentrum
Xerox Exotique #059: Magazine Magazine – Chainblocker – 27.02.2020
MAGAZINE MAGAZINE is Felix-Florian Tödtloff and Wizard Ashdod. The German-Israeli duo mixes electric guitars, synthesis and field recordings to create an eclectic blend of scenic drones. In early 2019 they released their self-titled debut through Full Body Massage Records.
Chainblocker ist the live techno divison of Waffensupermarkt.
27.02.2020, doors open at 20:00, starts at 20:30
Admission 7 Euros
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Entrance is on the right side of the building, then go all the way to the top.
Xerox Exotique #058: Brandstifter – Felipe Sáez Riquelme – Leandro Barzabal – 18.02.2020
Brandstifter is an interdisciplinary artist and experimental musician. His main work Asphaltbibliotheque, a conceptual collection of lost & found sheets of paper he is picking up since 1998, was directed in Berlin, Vienna, Rajasthan and as an six month artist in residency in New York, the hole history documented by the German publisher Ventil. He also deals with visual poetry, photocopy art and collage, curates art, performanc and music at Walpodenakademie Mainz. His book art is kept in the Library of the Museum of Modern Art New York, the Sackner Archive for Concrete and Visual Poetry Miami as well as Weserburg, Archive for artists’ publications Bremen.
Brandstifter plays solo and in various experimental music groups in Europe and the US like the SK Orchestra collective with Michael Durek (PASmusique) from New Jersey, the Wateroloured Well collective with members from the rhine main area or Wizards of Oi with Aaron Moore (Volcano the Bear) from New York. 2013 Brandstifter was invited to perform his concertante sound installation rauschgiftengelloops at the Yoko Ono retrospective Half a Wind Show in Frankfurt. In April 2016 Brandstifter joined Fluxus cofounder Ben Patterson for his very last live Performance on a performance festival in Wiesbaden. Patterson passed away in June just when their performance Silent Refugee Night was released on vinyl. In September Brandstifter played his VOX NOISE LOOPS piece sNO!w at the Experi-MENTAL Festival 7 in Brooklyn and exhibited his latest same titled collaged sound object at the gallery CENTRAL BOOKING in Lower East Side.
You can find recent Brandstifter releases on Cassette, CD, Internet and Vinyl on various labels like Alrealon Music, Fluxus Montana, gruenrekorder, Monochrome Vision, psych.KG (with Thurston Moore, Ben Patterson) or on his very own label FLUX ON DEMAND.
Für Körper, Stimme, Loop Pedal und Gegenstände. Diese Sprechstücke (noch in Bearbeitung) sind ein fragmentarisches Porträt des Pazifischen Ozeans. Aus mehreren Perspektiven versuche ich die Geschichte des Austauschs zwischen der ersten und der dritten Welt neu in den aktuellen Kontext setzen.
Felipe Sáez Riquelme (Santiago de Chile, 1986) ist Anthropologe, Dichter und Performance-Künstler. Sein literarisches Werk ist breit gefächert und interdisziplinär, da er das Schreiben mit Klangkunst, Performance und visuellen Elementen verbindet.
Er ist Autor der Bücher “Los tambores difieren” (2015) sowie “Un año en trece lunas” (2016) und ist bereits auf verschiedenen Veranstaltungen und Kulturfestivals in Buenos Aires (Argentinien) und Santiago (Chile) aufgetreten. Seine Performance “Himnosis” (2017) wurde für die Performance-Biennale BP.17 in Buenos Aires ausgewählt. Dieses Jahr nahm er an “entreLínes” teil, einer vom Goethe-Institut organisierten Online-Residenz für Schriftsteller_innen.
Leandro Barzabal (Argentina, 1981) Performer working on breaking the instrument while sustaining an aesthetic succession of sounds. Guitar and objects.
18.02.2020, doors open at 20:00, starts at 20:30
Admission 8 Euros
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Entrance is on the right side of the building, then go all the way to the top.
Xerox Exotique #056: Fixateur Externe – Circuitnoise – 31.10.2019
Fixateur Externe – Ü! UAI! Sound-poetic, meta-linguistic, traces: (S)experimental impro-vision, word pictures, sound layers, dream shards, opening microdimensions… Vibrations, Sensitive Waves, Post-Vibrations …, dream-shards (comma),… Ü! Ű from panyiga ü! Sound Poetry & performance art as well with effects and loops, from homemade musical instruments to traditional folk instruments (zither, cowbell) that he played on a special shamanic way (with horse tooth and bones). Rovar17 is responsible for the music, while Zopán Nagy using the mic(s)..
The phenomenon of Rovar17 (Insect17 in English) was born 31st of August 2002, what is basically Kálmán Pongrácz’s solo project, but different kinds of collaboration often occur with musicians, visual artists, performers as well as theater, so Rovar17 is a member of several bands as ParaNoiZ, Royal Hungarian Noisemakers or the Százaségő was (from 2013 to 2015). The music is made by audio collage technique, which rejects the traditional sound system, harmony, melody, even rhythm, and creates compositions from inconsistent and untempered sounds, noises. The source is natural or electronic, but the most preferred is the inclusion of human voices. This act has already seen more than 350 concerts and performances, and has played all across Hungary, in Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Zopán Nagy is a poet, photographer and artist. A spiritual man with wide-ranging knowledge and sophistication. Like a man of paradoxes – he screws one more thing: as if try to take a photo of Hell in Heaven. He follows his own ghostly visions. It fuses and provokes the chance. Intensive philosophy and imagination-attention are the motivates – just like his poems – he constantly reflects on himself in the works. His mystical involvement exists in philosophical paradoxes. (Tibor Miltényi)án
Nomen est omen bei Circuitnoise – in den entlegensten Schaltkreisen findet Jens Rosenfeld noch Sound. Er erkundet das weite Feld der zufälligen Störsignale durch elektronische Geräte aus unserer alltäglichen Umgebung. Mathematische und physikalische Zufälle und Entscheidungsverhalten von komplexen Systemen beeinflussen die Soundgenerierung. Musikalisch bewegt das Projekt sich zwischen Noise, Sound Art und Live-Elektronik.
31.10.2019, doors open at 20:00, starts at 20:30
Admission 7 Euros
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Entrance is on the right side of the building, then go all the way to the top.
Taking a break
We are taking an extended summer break until mid October 🙂 Take care & don’t let the summer burn you.
Lineup for XE#050 expanded
Happy to announce that Diego Noguera has joined the lineup for XE#050 🙂